Wallrest was founded within the community of sport. It’s a universal, inclusive and inspiring community that is a testament to the joyful pursuit of positive energy, excellence and achievement. We believe that the lessons sport teaches us about playing with skill, honor and heart also apply to life in general. In support of youth and sport, Wallrest contributes a portion of proceeds from each purchase to the Wallrest Foundation, a non-profit fund that provides scholarships to the athletes we serve and the communities we live in.
We also consider being stewards of the environment a key part of our company. Each year, millions of plastic trash bags are discarded at sporting events after being used for rain protection in inclement weather. For a season ticket holding family of four for a professional or collegiate sports team, each Wallrest use prevents as many as 16-25 plastic bags from entering the waste stream and our oceans. Consider the impact of thousands of fans each year, then multiply that. With each Wallrest purchase, a portion of our proceeds go directly to the Ocean Conservancy to help fund research, outreach and stewardship of our oceans. We believe these efforts can help create a positive impact to a healthier world.